What We Do

Talent Recruitment

Recruit right talent?

Find out how can we help you to recruit the best digital talents from our local institutes of higher learning to suit the manpower need of your company.

Develop right skills?

Find out how can we help you to develop right digital skills in the fresh talents you have recruited so they can become productive and efficient on the first day upon joining your company.

Talent Development

Talent Management

Manage your talent?

Find out how can we help you to better manage the existing talents and manpower in your company with an improved productivity and acquire future digital skills.

OUR Specialization

Graduate Job Placement Programs

We are specialized in the Graduate Job Placement programs for the engineering and ICT graduates from local universities and polytechnics with funding from government ministries and agencies


No. of pax

Number of graduates participated in our programs


Job Placement

Percentage of participants being successfully placed into potential employers


Universities & Polytechnics

Number of participating institutes of higher learning in our programs



Number of job placement programs we have successfully executed

Our Achievements

What We Have Done

What we have achieved in our company milestone to help develop digital talents in Malaysia by linking and fostering academia-industry collaboration between local institutes of higher learning and the digital industries ..



For any sales enquiry, business partnership, academia-industry collaboration or any other enquiries, just click below to send us a WhatsApp message. We will reply to you shortly.